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Looking after our countryside and climate

As we work to create vital infrastructure for new, green energy, extensive consideration is given to how we can protect our region’s natural habitats.

When consultation began for East Anglia ONE, we worked with stakeholders to gain vital local knowledge to inform our environmental protection plan.

How have we protected the environment?

  • We planned the cable route to avoid major badger setts and where it was unavoidable, we constructed purpose-built alternative setts and re-homed the badgers.
  • We’ve created five new hibernation shelters for great crested newts, providing them with a safe place to hibernate over winter near to breeding ponds.
  • We have a conservation plan to monitor and protect the fledging of rare marsh harrier chicks.
  • A 400-metre exclusion buffer was installed with works postponed until the project’s Ornithologist deemed works suitable to recommence. Acoustic and visual barriers screened existing work areas from breeding birds and, so far, we’ve seen the birth of seven young chicks, with two juvenile marsh harriers fully fledged from the nest in August.
  • Horizontal directional drilling was used in scientifically important areas, to drill underground and away from sensitive features.

Cable route for East Anglia ONE – the 37km cable was used rather than constructing pylons, it has been buried underground from Bawdsey to Bramford, the landscape is being restored and ductinghas also been included ready for East Anglia THREE. Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) locations – sections of the route were drilled beneath major obstacles and away from sensitive features, reaching depths of around 20m and lengths of around 1km. 1.Woodland planting & hibernation shelters created for great crested newts. 2.Millers Wood Horizontal Directional Drilling to avoid sensitive wildlife habitat. 3.Great crested newt mitigation including exclusion fencing. 4.Hedgerow replacement. 5.Rare mayfly found as a result of water quality monitoring of the River Fynn for Tuddenham landfill works. 6.River Fynn dredging works aiding the Environment Agency; immediate benefits with young fish & invertebrates appearing.7.Reptiles such as this grass snake have been particularly active around the Woodbridge & Martlesham area. 8.Winter monitoring of Brent geese close to River Deben HDD.

Onshore, planting will be undertaken to obscure the view of the substation. We have also created a pond next to the site, which is already attracting wildlife including deer, hare, swallows and various insects.

We will monitor the cable route for the next five years to maintain our environmental protection plan. This ensures we contribute to the global fight against the climate emergency and restore the landscape to its pre-construction condition.

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