East Anglia ONE North and TWO Examination Closed

SPR is pleased to confirm that the Development Consent Order (DCO) Examinations for the East Anglia TWO and East Anglia ONE North Offshore windfarms were completed at 23:59 on 6 July 2021.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all statutory consultees and members of the public who have contributed to the Examinations through the various Open Floor Hearings, Compulsory Acquisition Hearings and Issue Specific Hearings, and through their written submissions.
In particular, we wish to thank East Suffolk Council and Suffolk County Council, who have assisted in moving forward matters raised at the Examinations in a constructive manner, and various community groups and Parish Councils for their participation throughout the Examinations.  

Through the Examinations, SPR has been able to deliver a number of improvements to the Projects which will further reduce their environmental impact, such as a commitment to install ducting for both projects during construction of the first project, reducing construction impacts; reductions in received noise levels; reductions in the onshore substation footprints; and development of a comprehensive set of design principles which will seek to further reduce the environmental impact of the Projects through the detailed design stage. 

SPR look forward to what we hope is a positive decision by the Secretary of State by 6 January 2022, which will pave the way for the delivery of these important offshore wind farm projects.

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